ICL Asheville Cltlien It Times, Fit, Nov. HI, IWo NOTICE TOCREDITORS LftQtf Notices Having qualified ot Executor of the estate ot Loren Dovid Pocker, deceased, late ot Bun- 101 Houeee for 6M I tot Houe for St ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE CO-EXECUTORS NOTICE NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF HBJ DESIGNER GALLERY, LTD. Notice It hereby given that Articles of Dissolution ot HBJ Designer Gallery, a North Corollna corporation, were filed In the office of the fumbi Count. North Caro Credit Card Ads Labeled Misleading lina, this Is to notify oil per- OeBruhl Agency 421 Haywood St. 254-US6 Having qualified os Co-Executors of the Estate of Helen Stuart Henslev, late ol Buncombe County, North Caro sons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit FOR SALE BY OWNER New Quality Mountain Home Miles of views.
Passive solar, inrlnn wnlar rlvrk. 4tOnB llte- Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of BROA-DUS GILBERT, late of Detroit, Michigan, this Is to notify secrtiary ot Mate 01 worm Ca rolina on the 8th day ot ocro- ploce, exposed oak beams and paneling, 250 sq. It. Mealed. 2 nrrt Oii OOO ts South tAIRVIEW, 2 acres.
2 BRs with caihedral ceiling, built In shelves, private with views, convenient, carport, shed. 157,500. Ask for Allen. FAIRVIEW REALTY lina, tnis is 10 nontv oil per sons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to exhibit mem to th undersigned. In care of Shu-ford, Best, Rowe Bron-dyke, P.O.
Box 1371, Ashe the utidarland nt ftoi ar "quirea I Drent their r.io.ctlv H' If Hwnvmti norm voroima i4i. them to the undersigned on or Vetore the 7th dqy of May. 987, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. All persons Indebted to Iald estate will please make mmealote payment. TMj the Tttt day of November, Richard Ford.
Exfr. on or before May 21, 1 of Blltmore, 8 miles ftom Fletcher. 485 WlloSyTOIQ For Your East Buncombe Real Estate Needs. Call; Sour wood Realty Inc. 441-HOME.
i or mis nonce win oe rr ti JT, oieaded in hnr of ih.ir rmmv. so that It can proceed to 2S4-4CU 421 DOt FAIRVIEW. Large 2 BR on 2 try. aii persons indebted to r. Zl ville, Norm Carolina on or before May 14, 1967 or this notice will oe pleaded in bar ot their recovery.
All persons indebted to sold estate laio estate win piease make rA VX YhI 7LJ i mediate payment. a.nd discharge Its Hob. FORE5T EDGE A Creative Development SrIHIIh Company 2741731 Itles and abllaalions and do oil co Pa Hon 8. Hunter other acts required to Haul- This 21st day of November, 1986. aate its business ond affairs.
win please make immediate payment. This 14th day of November, tew norm western Kiaic Asheville. N.C. 28801 November 7, 14, 21. 28.
1986 This 27th duv of October, 1986. John F. Shuford, Administrator Estate ot Broadus Gilbert HBJ DESIGNER GALLERY. LTC Bo 105 NEW 4 BR. 2 bath split fover, large deck with country views, garden, beside Foir-view Elementary.
$64,500. PRIVATE 4 BR, 7 bath, 2 story and full daylight baie-ment, solor ond hot water heat.new condition, 400 Ft. LAKEFRONT Private, 2.000 sq ft. 3 BR, 2 bath, sun porch, dock, greenhouse, stone fireplace, lacunl, deck ond much more. JUS, 000.
FAIRVIEW REALTY FREE APPRAISALS 687-0054 Jim Yerkes Associates GEODESIC DOME HOMES Coll PAR Dome Creations 428-21 4 GREAT INVESTMENT HOME Currently rented. Greal shape with extra tea lures. Basem*nt ready to be finished 541.500. Houeee tor 8Jo 101 November 21. 28, 1986 December, 12, 1986 Spartanburg.
SC 29304 ivso. Ruth Henslev Camblosand Joshua F. B. Camblos, Co-Executors, Estate of Helen Stuart Hensley November 14, 21, 28, 1VS6 December 5, 1986 (3256) UelIJJ October 31,1986 NfW NOMUi 1 1 JeKej EAST The Woods. 2 lovely homes.
3 BR, Reynolds High. SOUTH-1300 Jq. Ft. 3 BR, 2 NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY I NOTIfF fIF TOWN tOUN 1 254 -UM 418-3100 Uf ANNUAL KtrUKl FORECLOSURE SALE REALTY, 255-8050 nam. ceaar a no.
mucr FALL BARGAIN, New 1600 more. 859,500. Broker 2S2-nSl Pursuant of Section 6104 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code, Haw Creek-Reynolds 532, S00 Smoll 2 BR on big private lot. Appalachian Realty 255-7530 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NIFTY Flier Upper. Poten ml unlimited.
3 BR. PP. onnl. nonce is nereov given mar oower ot sole contained (no for the fiscal certain Deed of Truit mod bv Plus I PluslOay Fo; Ut-thl. Having auallfled as Exeriitnr sq.
ti. nome, 'm acre, wooara, landscaped, cltv lot, 3 bed room, 2 bath, huge deck, car port, storage, quiet street, Oaklev area. 174,000. OPEN HOUSE SAT -SUN onnuai report of the estate ot JANET M. year ended October 31, 19S6 ot jamas Paul Foster wife, fhe Estes, Wlnn.Blomberg $33,000 Alt DIN uillun.
deceased, lore ot JOE TANDY HOMES, INC. 684-9991 or 484-3736 REALTORS BUILDERS 325 SAINT JOHN'S STREET Furnished Cottage, OK for I P.M. 274-2134 DuncomDe loumy, Norm Carolina, this Is to notify all per- ounapt on is ovanaoie at tne Ownbev. Trustee. si.
dated the fund office for Inspection dun jomdav of SeSember.Tw! Ing regular business hours bv and rrordrt in Rnnk in74 tma man tamiiv. level lot. call i4-S3n. JJ4-5202. FOR APPRAISALS CALL: DON HANco*ck REALTY 252-7441 anv citizen who requests It pO0ei44, Buncombe County sens, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit HAMLIN- KENMURE, A private residential golt communliy.
1 acre estate lots from 533,000. Villa and condominiums tram $139,900. Hlghwoy 25 South, Flat Rock, NC. Call 493 8481. them to the undersianed on at FOR SALE BY OWNER.
As wiinm lou cays or in is nonce. Registry, North Carolina, De-The fund of lice Is tpcated at au1t having been modeTn the Grovewood Road, Asheville, payment of the note thereby before the 21st dav nf Mav. slsted bv Home 5eller Consult- CHASTAIN ivb, or in is Notice will be n.c The principal airector ot secured by the said Deed of ami. save siooo s. Pay only the service you need.
274-01' REALTOR-BUILDER aniMi. pieaaea in oar or tneir recov 7. irusT ana tneynqersi unriar. P.O. Box 6864, Alhevlll y.
All persons Indebted to id estate will I ease make 4,400 SQ.FT. INVESTMENT New Leicester Hlahwav Immediate payment. TERRY HUTCHENS, having been substituted as Trustee in said deed of trust bv an Instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Buy before the end of the yean cxcenem ounaina, nmDli Darklna. aoad do NHTirp np SERVICE OF uuncomoe Norm Carolina and the holder of note whether to take the $1,000 advance and can be charged interest on the money. The annual interest rate is 21.9 percent, one of the highest in the nation and well above the national average of 18.6 percent, he said.
Minimum monthly payments are only about 2 percent of the outstanding balance, compared with other card companies which usually have monthly minimum payments of about 4 percent More interest is ultimately paid since it takes longer to pay off the balance, Holstein said. Jean Peters, manager of corporate public relations for Capital Holding First Deposit's parent firm, said the card is sent to people "whose credit histories show that they like the convenience of being able to use credit more heavily." "The feature that is being emphasized here is that they can make a lower payment with their card for the same sized purchase than they could with some other card perhaps," she said from the firm's headquarters in Louisville, Ky. She said the company also offered a 1 percent rebate on all purchases charged on the card, which "has the effect of reducing the total cost of the card to consumer." Holstein urged consumers to press for legislation imposing limits on interest and regulating financial disclosure for bank card companies. Only four states Texas, Arkansas, Washington and Connecticut limit annual interest rates for credit cards to IS percent or less, Holstein said. Legislation that would have required credit-card companies to disclose fees and other costs in advertisem*nts died this year in Congress.
Bankcard Holders unveiled an information pamphlet on credit cards which consumers may obtain by sending $1 to the organization at 333 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Washington D.C. 20003. The Associated Press WASHINGTON Direct mail and other offers of low-cost bank cards mislead millions of Americans by masking high Interest rates, hidden fees and other costs, a consumer group charged Thursday. The organization, Bankcard Holders of America, urged consumers to look closely at the fine print in solicitations for Visa or other similar bank credit cards.
"The banks have been filling American mailboxes with false claims and phony offers," said Elgie Holstein, Bankcard Holders' director. The group, a non-profit organization which favors legislation limiting credit card interest rates, said banks often engage in deceptive advertising to lure consumers into the lucrative world of revolving credit Seventy-two million Americans carry 161 million bank cards, representing about 80 billion in debt, Holstein said. Most consumers have no idea that an enticing offer for a cheap card hides other costs, he said. Annual fees, interest rates and other financial terms are contained in the fine print, if they appear at all on the offer, Holstein said. Sometimes the customer must write away for financial details, or receives them only when the card arrives.
Holstein praised some low-interest cards, such as a program by the AFL-CIO which offers union members a MasterCard through the Bank of New York at 12.5 percent, which is below market interest rates. But he criticized many others, singling out one card, First Select Visa, offered by the First Deposit National Bank of Tilton, N.H., as one of the "most egregious" examples of what to watch out for. The card, which has no annual fee, promises low monthly payments' and an immediate $1,000 cash advance. But Holstein said card customers are given no choice about PROCESS BY PUBLICATION New Home Low melnlenince. Single family home.
Custom Plene for you. Best location. Models open deity. 274-1892 lure. Information on requeit.
CallTalbert, 274-1444. Or Humphries, 274-2462, BOOTH-BARF I ELD 252-4763 evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed ot Trust be foreclosed, the un- IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE This the 21st day of November, 1986. ALBERT S. DILLON, JR. CO BALEY, BALE CLONTZ, P.A.
Attorneys at Law 510 Northwestern Plaza Asheville, NC 28801 November 21, 28, 1986 December 51 2, 1 986 DISTRICT COURT DIVISION aersignea auasmuio I rusiee will offer for sale at the Court house Door, In the Cltv of Asheville. Runrnmh. fnnnlv. 06 CVD Mil STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE norm larouna ai inree Thirty (3:30) O'clock P.M. on Friday the 5th dav of Decem- MARGARET ANN KEELEY, ber.
lmond will sell to the 5 UDROOMS ARDIN LIKE NEW RANCHER with full basem*nt. On Tampa Boulevard, Glen Arden area. Formal living room and dining room, denkltchen combination. $108,000 Call: 484-5202. HAMLIN- CHASTAIN REALTOR-BUILDER Kiaimltr, nignesr oiaaer Tor cosn me TOI- NOTICE TOCREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE luwiny icui e-iioie siiuaie in Enjoy your freedom wilh virtually malnteneneo tree home Enoy the doie-in location.
Enioy Ihe Pool, Tennit. Clubhouse, and Playground, (Park Avenue) ine lownsnipor Keems LreeK, uuncomoe loumy. Norm Carolina, and belna more Dartle, DAVID WILLIAM PFARCE. I ularly described as follows: Defendant. BEDROOM Wood Frame DIRECTIONS: US 25A ull uulh 01 IH Blua Ring Paikwly In TO: David William Pearce, uorenaam Township, Buncombe County, The undersigned having qualified os Executrix of the Estate of ERIC DONNER, deceased, late of Buncombe County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims aaalnst said estate to Dresont House on basem*nt with drive-In garage.
Fenced-in back yard. Appliances. 549,500. Coll: 484-4805. TAKE NOTICE that plead- norm Carolina.
BEGINNING at a point lying 38 minutes 35 AAA Ing seeking relief aaalnst you South 12 degrt has been filed In the above en seconds East titled action. The nature of the Beginning cor South 12 degrees asi them to the undersigned co 15 feei from the earner nf that Ded LACK MOUNTAIN 3 bed uons s. rninips, rvtciuire, Wood, Worlev Bissette. of record In Deed Book 831 at reuot Deing sougnr is os roi- iows: AOSQiuieaivorce. room rancher on large corner lot.
Carport, utility storage. Ideal starter home. Affer hours. Bill Green 449-5129. cage ine same point aiso belna the Southeast corner of that tract described In Deed Book hi at page 215; ana run- You are reaulred to make de P.
Suite 705, First Union Bank Building, 82 Patton Avenue. Post Office Box 1411, Asheville, North Carolina 28802, on or before May 21, 1987, or this notice will be leaned In hnr nf tholr rornu. lama In cnt-h nlanrilna nnl nlng from sold point ot Begin- 39,500 MOUNTAIN CABIN. Ideal 2 rtn a said date being 40 doys from degrees 28 minutes 07 seconds erv. All persons Indebted to ne first auDiicanon ot mis no- susl iy cuimi aearoom caoin turnisnea including appliances.
On bold stream. Adlotns national forest. Cool wooded lot. After hours 254-7642. estate will I ease make tlce, and upon your failure to do so the Plaintiff will apply to Immediate payment to the un- tne court tor tne renet sougnt.
thence runs South 12 degrees 38 minutes 23 seconds East 113.79 feet to on iron Pipe; thence running with the Northern line of the Reoce Robertson tract, described In Deed oersignea. BARLAS REALTY 254-6306 Is 21st dav of November. This the 14th dav of Novem- IYOQ. Book 864 at Page 544; South 78 degrees 39 minutes 59 seconds A REAL BARGAIN. Owner- Whalen.
Hav. Wolcott. Pitts. LILLIAN F. DONNER.
NORTH: This lovolv brick rancher Is decorated to per on the East margin of College Huaenschmldt Master. P.A Executrix of the Estate ot eroKer win pay an closing costs with exception of taxes and Insurance on an immaculate 3 BR, lVi bath rancher with full bsmt, off Sand Hill Mreei; tnence in tne tast Attorneys tor Plaintiff maraln of said Street. North 12 fcKH. UUNNtK By; Edward C. Hoy, Jr.
degrees 38 minutes 35 seconds hq. tvtusT ciose dv uec. 1 1 r.U. BOX Boo I "osi 1 1 i teei 10 ine point Asheville, NC 28801 and place of BEGINNING. November 21, 28, 1986 Decembers, 12, 1986 (3284) 1 too.
ii.v vu 1111 nil. new n- frlgerator, big LR and Workers Picket Merrill Lynch rn.vss.Hws 1 1 ne same coniainina acres. mm wr iBSb, uLtaruins id a rougnea in playroom aown, gas heat and woodburnlng va entuiaa survey tor November 21,28,1984 December5, 1984 siove. 13iVuu, ianul dci. 1 HARRELL ASSOCIATES james 1-osier ana wite, Kathv B.
Foster" dated Sep 34-4 hi or nome 6W-Mry. tember 24, 1985, prepared and ADVERTISE IN gnea oy Mcwanan Reese, Weavervllle, North Co CLASSIFIED IT WORKSI I NOTIf OF SFRUITF OF loggyi uu PROCESS BY PUBLICATION rollna, 28787. Together with Improvements located thereon; said property being The Associated Press FAYETTEVILLE Some 150 Kelly Springfield workers marched and chanted "Goodyear Today, Your Job Tomorrow" outside a Merrill Lynch office to protest the broker All Dili IAITY IN THE GENERAL COURT locarea ai loiicbs 3reei, Weavervllle, North Carolina. Athavlil ImI later) 667-MSO overs in the country," said Ken Nettles, president of the United Rubber Workers local union. Passers-by blew their car horns and shouted words of support to the pickets Wednesday.
"Right now, Wall Street seems to be in takeover madness," Nettles said. "Sir James Goldsmith, with the help of Merrill Lynch, buys control of companies like Goodyear, then breaks them up and sells them off. ui- us 1 i(-c SUPERIORCOURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK FILE NO. 84 SP 425 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO easem*nts, restrictions and right of way of BOONE REALTY APARTMENT RENTALS 443-7W, tsi-iiw, iiA-mm i recora. This sale Is made sublect to all COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE BROKERBUILDER South SDncloui tnax.
2375 sa. taxes ond prior liens or encumbrances of record against ROGER JAMES WILLSEY formal DR and LR. den with tne saia property ana any fireplace, ear-in Kiicnen, recoraea releases. ana wite, MARY ELLEN OUEEN WILLSEY raoe. 25-jJI0 after A cash deposit of ten percent Petitioners for the adoption of pm.
or Z53-7P27. Ut SAMUEL f*ckUZAWA. iuj 01 ine purcnase price will be reaulred at the lime of UCKNM ASSOCIATES M2-5060 TO: BIOLOGICAL FATHER inesaie. fection ond ready for your family to enioy. Bright, cheerful living room wtlreplace, formal dining, complete kitchen weallng area.
3 bedrooms. 2 baths, large family room w2nd fireplace. $105,000. WOODLAND HILLS: Exciting Contemporary with almost 3000 sq. ft.
of living aroo. Fover opens to lormal living room and dining room, huge tamllv room with lots of glass, stone fireplace, cathedral ceiling; Ideal kitchen, 4 large bedrooms plus spuclous rec room. $139,000. EAST 3 ACRES: A very special listing with great variety: woods, small pasture, barn. Dellohtlul, spacious 3-BR country rancher with storybook setting.
Living room wfireplace, big country kitchen, lamlly room with wet bar, separate workshop area. A lovely screened-in aroa overlooks flower filled patio and oval swimming pool. A perfect home for a family with varied Inlerests. $122,500. SUNSET MOUNTAIN: Significant price reduction on lovely Contemporary.
Luxurious great room, exquisite master suite wtwo master baths, dining room, fireplace. Den, guest roam, game room or office. Patio area with gorgeous swimming pool. All this Plus superb view of the city mountains beyond. $395,000.
LAKEVIEW PARK: Overlooking golf course, this 3400 sq. ft. home has everything tor the discriminating tamllv. Large living room wfireplaco, dining room, hus corner cupboards. Boaulllully romodeled eat-In kitchen.
Paneled tamllv room with fireplace ft cathedral celling. Master bedrooms suite Includes bedroom study. 3 additional bedrooms, 2V baths. $159,500. EAST: Magnificent stone ft frame Contemporary rancher on 4Vi Plus acres.
3900 sq. huge stone fireplace, formal dining, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths. Masslvo family room opens onto patio wswimmlna pool. Decks, views, privacy. $360,000.
NORWOOD PARK: Tradltlonol 4-bedroom home In fine neighborhood. Formal living room, den on main level, partial basem*nt and detached aaroge. Level lot for garden. Excellent investment at $48,000. SOUTH: Private country Tudor on acre plus of land.
Four bedrooms, family room off kitchen, dining room and two fireplaces. Immaculate condition. Ready to move In I $92,000. 39 Woodfm St 258-2953 REALTORS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800-525-8810 Ext L-50 OF SAMUEL f*ckUZAWA I This 14th dav of November age firm's involvement in a hostile takeover attempt of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Goodyear is the parent company of Kelly Springfield Tire Co.
in Fay-etteville where about 2,900 people work. Earlier this month, Sir James Goldsmith, a British industrialist, announced his plans to acquire Goodyear, the nation's largest tire and rubber company. Merrill Lynch is believed to be joined with Goldsmith in the attempted takeover. "The purpose is not to boycott or cause financial harm to anybody but to bring public awareness to the problem of hostile corporate take voo. TAKE NOTICF that aland.
H. TERRY HUTCHENS, Ino seeking relief against you HEY ADVERTISER Substitute Trustee nas oeen riiea in me aoove-en- "Kelly Springfield and URW have had adversarial relationships in the past, but we stand behind the company in their efforts to ward off this hostile takeover," Nettles said. Earlier this month, employess at the local Kelly Springfield plant raised more than $55,000 to buy stock in the plant's parent company as a gesture against the takeover natura oTtiw rtii.fi sought' is as HISSSXS ftAPLE Attorneys at Law Your Ad Tan Lank I ik Thl One) Attract more than 214,00 Raadmr that rnd "Th Ah. McPherson Square, Suite 223 201 S. McPherson Church Road vllle Cfflzen-Tfmes" dally by using any oi ineie rype sizes.
A determination that your consent is not required for the petitioners to adopt your child, P.U. BOX6MJ Fovettevllle. North Carolina 28302 4566 Sportive trio, jacket, vest and culottes. November 21, 28, 1986 J3280) You are reaulred to make de fense In such Dleadlna not later than December 31, 1984, and upon your failure to do so. Use poplin, denim, cotton bioadcloth.
A great pattern value. Misses Sizes 8 to 22. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE me parry see King service against you will apply to the N. C. Markets ioun ror ine reiiei sougni.
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made bv Business Briefs Each pattern $3.25 plus 75c postagehandling. INVEST INVEST INVEST INVEST Mck Up Th Phone and Call 252-5611, ext. 510 Classified Dept. ASHEVILLE CITIZEN-TIMES hov urown to ara tour- This the 21st day of November, lev, Trystee(s), doted the ivh6. yin aav 01 t-Boruarv.
iyu, Livestock and recorded In Book 75B. Roger Jomes Willsev and wife Morv -iifln uuinn uv. (N.i. residents aoo S3sujt.i Send to: Pattern Dept. 434 Asheville Cltlien-Tlmot 62-08 Northern Wooddal, NY 11377.
Print Name. Addreu, Zip. Sin, Piltern Number Petitioners page 305, Buncombe county Registry, North Carolina, Default having been made In the payment of the note thereby oy tneir Attorneys: mini 1 coi-iirarf hu tnm tn rl rtmn nl Del Taco Sold From Staff Reports woltott. pittV Trust and the undersigned, H. HOGS: Trend Is 25 to 50 cents higher at NO buying stotlons.
Klnston, Splvev's Corner, Mur-freesboro, Slier City and Robersonvllle, 53.50; Clinton, Pavetteville. Dunn, Pink Hill, Pine Level. Chodbourn, Avden, Laurlnburg and Ben son 53.50; Wilson 53.50; Rowland 53.50. Sows: (500 pounds up) Pavetteville 4B.0O; Whltevllle 47.00; Wallace 50.00; Spivey's Corner 49.00; Rowland 49.00. HUGENSCHMIDT I V.H.T.
E.NT5J "Vll BY OWNERBUILDER: ment dulv recorded in the Of MEMBER OF THE SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK Bv: Barrv L. Master Womick Enterprises based Di Asheville, has sold its three area Del Taco restaurants to concentrate Attorney for Petitioners QRADED FEEDER PIOS! EIIZObeiMOWn 144 head. 40-50 No. One and Two's 110.25, No. Three's 90.00; 50-60 No.
One and Two's 96.00, No. flee of the Register ot Deeds of Buncombe County. North Carolina and the holder of the note evldenclna said Indebted 137 Blltmore Avenue P.O. Box 2AA8 aouin. New.
a aearoom, both. Ranch with full bate men), aaraoe. heat pump, flreploce, oppllonces, large deck, covered front porch, Asheville, NC 28802 Telephone: (704) 255-8085 GET DISCOUNT COUPONS WORTH $14 in our $1 CraHers' catalog. Use Hiem for great Kits, books, accessories more than 1000 items on 96 color pages. Order Catalog 86-C.
Send SI to: Reader Mail, 62-10 Northern Wood-side, N.Y. 11377. ness having directed that the lonascapea, snruorjery, ener ueea 01 1 rusr oe torectosea, the underslaned Substitute -enicienr, (-an November 21,28,1984 December 5, 1984 Trustee will offer for sale ot BY OWNER: 3 bedrooms. 2 MM) tne Lourtnouse Door, in tn Cltv of Asheville. Buncomh NOTICE OF County, North Carolina at earns, ceniroi air, i car garage, deck, fenced backyard, Imperial Court.
Reduced $5,000. Call: 298-7572. FORECLOSURE SALE Threo Thlrtv (3:30) O'cloci P.M. on Friday the 5th day of 11 to ANNE ADAMS PATTERNS UndS itPJS n'onesi Didder for cash the power of sale contained In a I following real estate situate In iY OWNER: 4 room and bath frame house. Knob Hill Bent Creek.
532,000. 483-2592. ori development of its Arby's and ami twoi'i 16.15, no. Three's 96.25; so-to no', one rtonnv'c frnnnhicoe ond Two's 96.25; No. Three's 83.00.
uenny irailLIUSeb. CATTLE: (weekly auction sales) turnersburg Womick sold the Mexican theme cattle and 55 hogs. Slaughter cows: breaking i wuilllLKMJluuie meuLdiiuiemc urav ond commerC0 34.00-41.00, few high vleld- restaurants In Asheville, Hickory and mg 39.50-42.50; cutter and boning utility 33.00- 1 A t.aA;v 39.50; canner ond low cutter few 25.00-31.00; Greenville, S.C., Nov. 1 to Phoenix faives: (350-5501 good 43.00-47.00; buns: iiooo up) (InnranU Pnm nf Atluntn fin ISIn 39.00-43.50; Feeder and replacement cows: beet uoncepis corp. 01 Aiiama, ua.
wo tvM overoo, thin flesh 32.00- sale Drice was disclosed 37.00; babv calves: 3O.0O-65.O0 per head. Feeder K. 5 7 TrT' steers and bulls: (300-400) 63.00-68.00, M-2 David A. Womick, president of 53.00-59.00. s-i 59.00-63.00, l-i 6i.oo-67.oo; steers: (400-500) M-1 61.00-66.00, S-l 52.00-58.00, L-l 60.00- the restaurant franchise operation, 'UM, l-j 45.00-49.00, (oo-soo) l-i 55.00-s8.75.
l-2 coirl ho will nnpn Arhv'Q nntlpt in 44.00-47.00; feeder heifers: (300-400) M-1 52.00- saia ne wiu open Aroy ouueis 00, 47.00-55.50. (400-5001 m-i 50.00-54.50, m-2 Brevard and Wavnesville and more 40.00-50.00, s-i 47.00-50.00, l-i 50.00-56.00; Dicvaiu aiiu rrajfiicaviuc aiiu iiiuic buj; (40o.550) 56.00.1,-00l W-2 few 53.50- Denny outlets in Asheville. Expan- 55.50, s-i 4s.oo-54.75, l-i few s6.oo-64.oo. Avden -Inn nl rtonnv'i twill Affar a hattor ro -2fl0 cattle and 949 hogs. Slaughter cows: break- sion oi Denny will oner a Deuer re- utmlv and commercial tew 34.75-40.75, cutter the Cltv ot Asheullle.
Bun certain Deed of Trust made by Monte D. Williams ond wife, Sandra W. Williams to Lorry W. Byrd, Trusteed), dated the combe County, North Caro Una, and being more parllcu 12m aav 01 -way, iyH, ana lanv acscnuea as ioiiows: Known as 27 Tacomo Place J.D. JACKSON ASSOCIATES, INC.
Ai MpMH) ONI OjnM MW it CtttMl IMV MM MMM. Ml "YOU'LL FIND A FRIEND AT COLDWELL BANKER, J.D. JACKSON ASSOCIATES" OPEN SATURDAY, 9-4 FANTASTIC NEW EXCLUSIVEt Soulh in highly dcsl-reable area of fine homes. Almost 4000 sq. tti Including BY OWNER Chunn's Cove Mountain Brook Sub-Division.
Country setting lust 2 minutes from downtown. Spacious 4 BR, 4 full baths with 4,000 finished sq.ft. on beautifully landscaped Vi acre corner lot above street level. Beautiful recorded In Book 907, Page 372, Buncombe County Registry, North Carolina, Default Being all of Lot No. 5 and the having been made In the payment of the note thereby se Hills as shown on a Pla cured by the said Deed of views and many extras.
Trl- turn on nvpstmpnt. he said. onq boning utility 31.25-41.uo; is: noo? levei, large aen ana rec 37.S&-4A.50: bobv calves: few 22.00-43.00 oer head. i rust ana ine unaersignea, m. TERRY HUTCHENS, having Ing off ol large deck, formal been substituted as Trustee In said deed of trust bv an instru recorded In the Office of the Register of Oeeds for Buncombe County, N.C.
in Plat Book 7 at page 51 and being more particularly described as follows: BEGIN ING at a stake In the Northeast maraln of Tacoma living room, ear in Dreait fast nook, large pantry, HOSi: (200-240 54.20; lows: 4 up) 48.10-52.40: feeder steers and bulls: (300-400) Wl-t few 60.00-62.00, S-l 45.50-56.00: steers: (500-600) M-1 55.50-56 50; feeder heifers. (300-400) M-1 49.50-52.00, S-l 42.50-46.50, (400-500) M-1 4S.00-52.00, S-l few 41.50-50.00; bulls: (400-550) M-1 few 52.00-56.00, S-l few 41.50-52.50. "We will build a lot of Denny's," he said. Denny's recently opened its organization to franchise development, Womick said. Dor 0744 or 254-1547 otter hours.
Place ar Tne common corner Lots 4 and 5 of Block BY OWNER ment auiy recoraea in tne ut-flee of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe County, North Carolina ond the holder of note evldenclna said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the underslaned Substitute Trustee will offer tor sale at the Courthouse Door, In the City of Asheville, Buncombe County, shown on said Plal and runs West-3 BR, 2 Bath, FP, full Womick operates 13 Arby's and Poultrv ri Mn4n. ln Mnvili do sem*n omi-jh. inence wnn ine Norinea maraln of Tacoma Place as CANDLER Moroan Branch curves In northerly ani Estates. New home 40 unrlnr construct Ion. Cdnr normwesrenv airecnon on radius of 40 feel 43.9 feet to and stone fireplace, 1,400 sq.ft.
plus full basem*nt, 2 Siane; Tnence Norm rcaegrei minutes East 156 feet to car garage, wane otter ana pick coior, Mrnpar rick 2H-4452. Norrn at inree Thirty (3:30) O'clock P.M. on Friday the 5th dav of December, 1984 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situate In the City of Asheville, Buncombe Counlv, North Caro CANDLER. New Home By stake In the northern line of Lot 4 of said Block ond Plat; thence South 80 degrees 54 minutes East 105 leet to a 8 take; thence South 1 degree 2 minutes West 109.45 feet to a stake at the common corner of BROILERS: The North Carolina fob dock quoted price on broilers for this week's trading was 53.50 cents, based on full truck load lots ot ico pock USDA Grade A sized 2Va to 3 pounds birds. Too few percent of the loads offered hove been confirmed with a preliminary weighted average.
The market Is steady and the live supply Is ode quote for moderate demand. Average weights desirable. Estimated slaughter of broilers and fryers In North Carolina Thursday was 1,402,000, compared to 1,924,000 last Thursday. EOOS: prices unchanged. Supplies light to adequote for a oood demand.
Weighted overage prices for small lot soles ol consumer grade eggs In cartons delivered nearby retail outlets: A large white A medium white A small white .6276. uwner. uric ona Leaor, heat, beautiful wooded acre lot, paved drlvewov. live Lremiy a icauiuiaiiia 111 nuiui Carolina and South Carolina. Inter co Attempts Takeover Interco the St.
Louis-based footwear, apparel and furniture manufacturing giant, has made a stock-swap offer valued at about $486 million for the Lane the nation's fourth largest furniture manufacturer. According to the Lane which disclosed the offer, Interco proposed to swap 1.3843 shares of its stock for each of the 8 million shares Lois ana 5 oi saia uiock ana Plot; thence with the dividing lln bnttMOftn emlri I rtt 1 and 5 lina, ana oeina more p*rncu larly described os follows: Known os 127 Wvatt Street. BEING all of Lot 41 of Secton ftoz-u-KM. ho Broxers piease. Carolina Post Beam 1393 Hendertonvllle Rd 4 large BRs.
3V baths, 2 FRs Plus lormal entertaining areas. Deluxe, fullv equipped Kit. Double gar, heat pump, deck overlooking corner lot with pooll Proudly I ottered for $144,000. After office hours coll Mllo Gurren, 274-O220. I LEASEOPTION POSSIULEI Lovely cedar garden- style condo South In the counly In quiet community offers 2 BRs, 2 full baths, plushly carpeted great room with tp, custom Kit with all appliances.
Private deck, heal pump, ample storage. Motivated sellers) $47,500. Alter olfice hours call Leah Sands, 274-0134. ATTENTION INVESTORSI You must see this opportunity. Spacious traditional home has been extensively remodelled and afters 3 excellont rental units within 2 miles ot UNC-AI Two 1 BR units ond one 2 BR unit fullv rented-poslllve cash (low! I This f.on't last for $59,850.
After otfice hours call Bobby Yorber, 29R-0144. NORTH-STUNNING NEW EXECUTIVE RANCHER In area of luxurious homes, the perfect Place tor your holl-' dav entertaining. Formal LR ond OR, custom Kit with oak cob Ine ts overlooks FR with tp. 4 or 5 BRs, 3 baths plus huge rec room with second (p. Double gar, heat pump, Andersen windows.
It's outstanding for $142,500. After olfice hours call Bob Havs, 445-9740. PRETTY AS A PICTURE'Thls Candler rancher on approximately 4 acres has II all I Spacious LR with stone (p, 3 BRs, IV) baths, this home sparkiest Gor, stream, pasture-huge new workshop completely plumbed and wlred-perfect lor In-home business. $88,500. Alter otlice hours call Jesse Owen, 447-2245.
EXCEPTIONAL SQUARE FOOTAOE VALUE) Black Mountain rancher on private wooded lot has approximately 1800 sq. ft. offering 4 carpeted BRs, 2'j baths, breakfast room olf of Kit, lovely new FR. Fenced rear yard, detached gar, storm doorswindows throughout I Prlcod right lor only $49,500. After office hours call i Harry Glezentanner, 298-8438.
CONVENIENT SECLUSION, North In wonderful Bea- Asheville, NC 28M1 2 74-94 31 South 49 degrees 33 minutes West feet to the point of BEGINNING. Together with Improvements located thereon; sold property being located at 27 Tacoma Place, CEDAR INTERIOR: Exposed Produce Deams. kock t-f. car aa Asnevnie, Norm carot.no. loo house, f3 acre! Reynolds School oreo.
578.900. S3? SO sublect to the burdens of a aown. wiimo. jyn-uyw. CIDAR RIVIR LOO HOMIS or WNC Northern White Cedar common arivewov a reei in width, the center line of which Is the dividing line between Lots 4 and 5 of sold Block ond Plat, sold common drive being for Ihe iolnl benefit of the owners ot the property herein described ond the owner of sold Lot No.
4. This sale Is made sublect to oil taxes and prior liens or encumbrances of record against the said property and any recorded releases. A cash deposit of ten percent 11 of Higniana Meaaows as shown on a Plat recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Buncombe County, North Carolina, In Plat Book 34 ut page 137, reference being hereby made to said Plat for a more particular description. Together with Improvements located thereon; said property being located at 127 Wvatt St reel Asheville, North Carolina. Also, the following per sonal property located In the premises: some carpeting located In the house.
This sale Is mode sublect to oil taxes and prior liens or encumbrances of record against the said property and any recorded releases. A cosh deposit of ten percent (10) of the purchase price will be required at the lime of the sale. This 14th dav of November, 1984. H.TERRY HUTCHENS, Call for further Information and our free color brochure or sena 4 tor our complete own catalog, rnone; M-iM-riiT, PO Box 6689 Aiheville. NC 28816 CHARMING 2 story trodl STATE FARMER'S MARKET: (wholesale prices) Raleleh aoples -bushel 7.50-12.00, tray pack 13.75-17.75; snap boons bushel 10.00-t0.75; cobbaoe -50 lb sack 6.75-7.50; coltords bushel 5.50-6.00; corn five doien 7.9S-I0.50; cucumbers -bushel 7.00-0.50; grapefruit carton 7.00-9.40; greens bushel 6.00; lettuce corton 11.00-13.75; oranges carton 6.15-8.65; bell pepper -bushel 10.75-16.75; white Irish potatoes -50 lb bog 5.50-5.6S; red Irish-potatoes 50 lb bog 5.76-6.00; sweet potatoes -bushel 10.00-10.50; squash -bushel 8.00-15.50; strawberries 12 pint flat 22.75; tomotoes 18 lb carton 11.40-15.00; watermelons (carton ol four) 13.95.
PECANS: Market about steody. Prices paid to growers, cents per pound, delivered to buyer seedlings 40-50, mostly 49-50 Stuaris 50-60, mostly 59-60. ORAIN: No. 2 yellow shelled corn steady ot 1.68-1.95 mostly 1.74-1. B9 in the east and 1.70-7.07 mostly 1.89-2.05 In the Piedmont.
No. 1 yellow soybeans steady to 1 cents lower ot 4. 75-5. OS mostly 4.80-5.00 In the east, ond 4.75-4.90 mostly 4.79-4.90 In the Piedmont. Wheat 2.02-2.95 mostly 2.45-2.75.
New crop wheat 2.21-2.40. Soybean meal rob N.C. processing plants per ton 44 170.40-172.40. Prices paid producers lor grain delivered In bulk to elevators as ot 4 p.m. bv location for corn and soybeans: Cofletd 1.04, 5.05; Conway 1.68, 4.90; Creswell 1.74, 4.95; Dunn 1.84, 4.85; Elizabeth City 1.79.
4.93; Fovettevllle 5.004; Goldsboro 1.71, 4.76; Greenville 1.63, 4.85; Klnston 1.83, 4 Laurlnburg 1.75, 4.80; Lumberton 1.69-1.70, 4.75-4.80; Pant ego 1.79, 4.85; Rateigh 5.00; Rose Hill 1.70, Selma 1.95, 5.00; Whltevllle 1.69, willlomiton 1.79. 4.SS: Wilson 1.89. Albe- 4571 Toss dashing easy-sew cape (two mam parts plus hood) and pull-on skirt. Sizes Slfl-10); M(12-14); L06-18): XL(20-22). Each pattern $3.25 plus 75c postage handling.
(N i festoems add wsja 1 Send to: 4 2 Pattern Dept. 424 Cltlien-Tlmet 62-08 Nortrwn WoodikJ, NY 11377. Print Htm. Aodresi, Zip, Size, Pattern Number. GET DISCOUNT COUPONS WORTH $14 in our $1 Craflofs' catalog.
Use them (or greal kits, books, accessories more than 1000 items on 96 color pages Order Catalog 66-C. Send $1 to: Header Mail. 62 10 Northern Blvd Wood-S'de. 11377. ANNE ADAMS PATTERNS tlonol with 5 BR, 3 baths, llv ing room, dining room, breakfast room, sunroom, (10) of the purchase price will be required at the time of I verdom Volley, Jones school district with county taxenl tytaxeni Most beautiful 2 story contemporary features 4 BRs, 4 BRs, of Lane stock outstanding.
The Interco offer of 1.38 shares for each Lane share would be worth $60.56, almost double Lane's book Value of $33 per share. The book value of a company is generally the difference between its assets and liabilities, or the equity of the company stated on a per-share basis. Interco already owns Broyhill Industries of Lenoir and Ethan Allen Inc. of Danbury, whose combined furniture sales of $571 million last year made the parent Interco the country's leading furniture producer. Sales for Broyhill and Ethan Allen totaled $571 million.
Ethan Allen has a plant in Asheville. r. Interco also owns the Sky City chain of discount stores based in Asheville. I full baths, loft FR overlooking formal LR with i 2 I rock fp, I oar, REALTY, 255-8050 second with bay window. Full bsmt with double utile CHIOTT BUILDS On You I heal pump, extensive decking.
20 magnificently wooded acres. $199,500. After olfice hours tall Mary Lou Jones, wooded ine saie. This 1 4th dov fo November, 1984. H.
TERRY HUTCHtNS, Substitute Trustee HUTCHENS 4 WAPLE Attorneys ot Law McPhorson Squore, Suite 223 201 S. McPherson 447-5551. Lot, rour Plans or ours. 258 8858 CUSTOM HOMES ON YOUR PROPERTY 447-5484 EAST, 3 BR, IV) bath. FP, nice auosruuie 1 ruiiee HUTCHENS WAPLE Attorneys at Low McPherson Square, Suite 273 701 S.
McPherson Church Rood P.O. Box 450 Foyottevlllt, North Corollna 78302 November 21, 28, 1984 (3279) neiqr.Dornooa. AIT. 3 BR. 2 Bath Modula 258-2222 190 Merrlmon Ave.
Asheville, N.C. Home On Poved Road. $41,500. cnyrcn Rooa P.O. Box 450 Fayttevilie, North Corollna November 21, 28, 1984 (3282) morle 178, 4.80; Barber 1.89, 4.90; Mocksviiie 2.07, Monroe 1.89-2.05, Mount Ulla 4.79; Roaring River 2.05, Sonford 2.01, Stotes- BR, 2 Bains, t-l place.
Den, 2 Acres. 179,500. Lloyd A. Watson Realty 298-4705 vllle 1.95, 4.75..