How do you cure a cyst on a dog's neck? - Answers (2024)


09/05/2005: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes: "As to the tumor growth for dogs, there is a possibility as follows;

1. Alkalize your dog. Take a tablespoon of POTASSIUM citrate in his drinking water per liter of water. Add one tablespoon of potassium bicarbonate. Citrate and bicarbonate are necessary in 1:1 portions. Add a big pinch of sea salt.

2. Take about 1 teaspoon of a 5-10% fulvic acid solution to the 1 liter of water. Your dog will have some diarrhea on the first 1-2 days trying to expel the toxin, and he will be in much better shape.

3. ALWAYS ADD THE DECHLORINATOR they sell in petshops, used for the aquarium fish tanks. Add about 10 drops per liter. The chlorinated water is causing the dog's cancer.

4. Get castor oil (mix with some aloe vera oil to aid skin absorption) and apply thickly to the area of tumor. Apply this after taking a bath. Do this daily. Also apply castor oil around the neck areas of the dog. It will raise the dog's immune system. Once a month, you may apply some iodine in the tumor area also. It seems to help.

5. If your dog is old, which means over 10 years, old. Give the dog a cheap vitamin D2, at 20,000 I.U. every other day for about a week or a month as you see fit. It will raise his immunity. If you feed it for a month, don't be surprise, that the dog will develop large muscles.

6. Try mixing his food with some FRESH olive leaves. Fresh olive leaves are anti-tumor.

The three things the dog will benefit the most is the potassium bicarbonate, fulvic acid and castor oil. the others are supporting features of the tumor. If you want his skin condition to improve, get your dog to take bath using only sodium perborate. Do not dry. Add sodium perborate until it no longer dissolves. Please note, the DOG MAY eat the sodium perborate crystals. It has no effect on the dog, but it DOES GET RID of a lot of fleas. Sodium perborate and/or fulvic acid seems to improve my dog's hearing. A year ago my dog was stone deaf. Now his hearing is back! Yes bloodroot paste maybe good for the dog's tumor, but the ones I have used on top seems to work better, but as always, combining them together is better, I think. Yes iodine seems helpful with the dog's cancer."



[YEA] 09/10/2007: Charity ( from Emmaus, Pennsylvania writes: "My horse was diagnosed with a Sarcoid on his front right leg and I called the vet out. She immediately handed me a bottle of xxterra ( one of the basic ingredients is bloodroot ) and I began to apply it. Within 24 hrs the Sarcoid tumor on his leg was 1/4 the size and not ooooozy like it was... It has scabbed over and according to other who have used it the tumor falls off on its own! what an amazing product."



[YEA] 03/19/2009: Rita from Plano, TX writes: "I read about castor oil removing tumors for pets so I put castor oil and a bandaid on a tumor on my chihuahua's back leg. It did make it go away. I left it on for a couple of weeks changing the bandaid every two or three days and putting more castor oil on it. Yea for Castor Oil."

[YEA] 07/19/2008: Francine ( from Playa Del Rey, CA writes: "I wanted to share my experience with castor oil. One week ago I discovered a large lump on the throat of my dog, the size of a golf ball. Remembering I had found info about castor on your site, I quickly started aggressively applying it to the tumor. I personally have been brewing and drinking essiac tea for years. I keep the left over sludge and started putting that in my dogs food. Remarkably, the tumor is now gone. A little of a week has passed and after applying the castor oil almost 5 times a day. Thank you so much. On a side note, I have been using the oil on my face for beautiful skin, on my strained veins on my legs, which have been disppearing, and my mother in law's dog with tumors also as well as an enlarged liver, has been applying it to her dogs tumors and liver area, after a visit to the vet, the second tests showed the liver had shrunk to normal."

10/07/2008: Marie from Woburn, MA replies: "When using castor oil on a dog for a non cancerous tumor, do I need to warm the castor oil, and if so, for how long?"

[YEA] 05/07/2008: Valerie from Minneapolis, MN writes: "Castor oil cured a tumor on my dog. My dog had a tumor on his chest, about as big as a nickel and raised about an eighth of an inch. It was progressively getting larger and since it was on his chest was getting rubbed a lot from laying down. The result was a big, dry, cracked and oozing tumor- disgusting!! I read about the castor oil cure for tumors on pets and tried it. Twice a day I applied castor oil to the tumor and covered it with a band aid. Within one week the tumor was completely gone!! all that there is now is soft pink skin- Hooray!! I probably saved a few hundred bucks."

[YEA] 08/14/2007: jes from alloway, NJ writes: "i am not sure if i read this cure from this site or not but if i did i want to thank whoever it was that posted castor oil as a substance to shrink tumors in dogs. it really really worked! my vet told me that the lump on my dog's paw was a non-cancerous tumor and that it should be removed because there is not enough skin on the paw to stretch for the growth of the tumor. i decided to see if there was any way i could shrink it before i decided to put him under for surgery. and so i tried the castor oil twice a day for three days and and the tumor is gone, with the exception of just a little left over skin that stretched from the growth of the tumor, its completely gone!!!! i spent $2.59 on castor oil instead of $200 for surgery. plus i saved my 10 year old boxer from having to go under for surgery."

09/10/2007: Julia ( from Butler, AL replies: "Jess, from N.J. stated that she cured her dog with castor oil. It wasn't mentioned if the oil was applied or given internally twice a day. If given internally, how much should I give Dutches? She is a 12 yr old golden retriever."

09/14/2007: Jess from Alloway, New Jersey replies: "to answer the question for your dog dutches, i applied the castor oil topically. right on top of the tumor. i wouldn't suggest giving it internally to your dog since castor oil is a stimulant laxative. you might end up doing alot of cleaning up! i hope it works for dutches"



[YEA] 02/05/2007: Vince from Philadelphia writes: "Don't think I told you that Diablo had had a growth on his lower back, near his hips that Looked BAD. It was like cauliflower on a stalk. It was small but looked dangerous. I put some moistened cayenne and salt on it. It didn't bother him at first, but later I saw him lick it. A few days later it was Gone, never to return. I don't know if he bit it off, or it shrunk and shriveled. You have to try things, and figure the best way to use it."



[YEA] 02/11/2009: Carla ( from Grand Rapids, Michigan writes: "11 year old female cat diagnosed with hemangioscarcoma on 12/3/08. Tumor was on her spleen and was the size of a clemantine. Because of tumor size,the vet gave her 1 to 3 months to live. He removed both tumor and spleen, ultrasound showed no mass anywhere else and lungs were clear but gave no hope. Couldn't find much info on feline cancer/natural cures other than this site. They only do studies on dogs and cats respond differently. I made my own plan of treatment and she is thriving as of 2/11/09. She plays with her toys and runs around after my other cats daily, hasn't done this for years! Coat is the most beautiful I have seen it.

Immediately got her on Essiac Tea (Esiack Caps 450mg by Now Foods) 1-450mg cap in morning 1 hour before her breakfast and 1-450 cap 1 hour before her dinner. It is important to take on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals or 2-3 hours after eating. I mix 1 cap in 1 ml of water in a small glass that I allow to sit for hours (while at work and again over night). To administer, I suck the Esiak Tea back in the plastic syringe. I kneel and sit on my feet, trapping her between my knees with my ankles crossed so she can't back out. I pull her chin up slightly and squeeze it into the side of her mouth between teeth and cheek. I also have her on 1/5 cap (at both feedings) of maitake mushroom (NewChapter Organics veg cap- 1000mg?) to build immunity. She takes Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula (4Life) which is only natural transfer factor from cow colostrum and egg yolk (think mother's first milk) also a powerful immune booster. This is not lactose free but 4Life makes one that is for cats with inflammatory bowel. A 300mg cap Tri-Factor administered 1 cap per day first week, 2 caps per day 2nd week and 3 caps per day week 3. Stop at 3 caps daily. This will pass the blood/brain barrier important for brain cancers. All above are human grade elements that will do no harm. All (except Esiak) are mixed in with her food. Vet prescribed a pet vitamin in liquid form-Pet-Tabs Iron-plus due to her severe anemia, 1 ml daily for 21 days after surgery which I also mixed in her food and stll give her half dose of till the bottle will be done. Very important* took her off all grains and cheap grocery store brand foods. I feed Pet Guard brand (health food store). She can't tolerate chicken so she eats only the Premium Choice beef at the moment. I credit Essiac Tea, Transfer Factor and my begging prayers to God daily as to why she is still with me."

04/27/2008: Janet worcester from Inkster, Michigan writes: "I cooked 2 Tablespoons of isaac tea with tablespoon Brer Rabbit Molasses put in a empty yogurt cup for my dog. I am hoping to cure two lumps in my dog. "

[YEA] 12/31/2006: Gayle from Tulsa, OK writes: "Over 3 years ago, our cat, Flora, developed a mass (tumour) in her abdomen and lost a significant amount of weight. She was about 12 years old at the time. I started giving her a dropper of concentrated essiac tea once a day and mixing about 1/2 teaspoon of the powdered herbs in her food. The tumor went away and she put weight back on. She is now 15 years old and doesn't look or act like a 15 year old cat. I've continued to give her the dropper of concentrate at least once a week up to every other day. I've also given the powdered essiac herbs to our dog for allergy eye drainage that would easily get infected. Since we started the dog on this, her allergy eye problem has been gone for over a year now. Again, about 1/2 tsp once a day."

09/07/2007: Ginger from Columbus, Ohio replies: "Friday, 9/7/2007. I Have a "Question" and an "EMERGENCY NEED" to contact "Gayle"... (ESSIAC TEA 12/31/2006: Gayle from Tulsa, OK)! Can you "PLEASE" contact her for me and give her my email add.? I have a 14 year old CAT (Patches) in critical condition. Her Vet can not operate, and expects me back "SOON"... to "put her to sleep". They don't call it, what it really is! (Taking Her Life!) I "Must Know" QUICKLY: Which version of ESSIAC TEA, she used for her CAT. "4 Herb" or "8 Herb" and specifically, "WHICH HERBS" are in it! One Version has "RED CLOVER" in it, which can be "FATAL" to "CATS"! Patches is just to precious... to just give up on, and not even try to save her. And I fully believe: She can be saved by the ESSIAC TEA and other natural means - if I can just get it in her "A.S.A.P."!!! PLEASE HELP ME - SAVE MY PATCHES! I, NEED HER!!!"

09/14/2007: Jay from Cumberland, New Jersey replies: "Gayle i have a question about the essiac tea you used on your pet for abdominal tumors. i also wanted find out more about the condition your pet was in before you started the treatment and for how long she was in this state before you started treatment. my dog has been having the exact problem your pet seemed to have and its been for 9 months. i am hoping it wont be too late to help him. i have only been giving him blackstrap molasses to try to help. please contact me as soon as you can! i appreciate it! gecik/at/"

EC: Sorry, we wish we had Gayle's email address to contact her -- she never sent it!

12/28/2007: Catherine from Brackettville, Texas replies: "I have both a cat and a dog with tumors. I was reading the posts to try and find help for them. I came across the posts on Essiac and the request for info on where to find Essiac without red clover. Here's what I found I will be ordering some and let you know the results."

EC: Catherine, just out of curiosity, what brand of dog and cat food are you feeding your pets?

08/28/2008: Gayle (okiefroggy[ at] from Tulsa, OK replies: "In answer to Ginger and Jay, I use the 4-Herb capsules and 4-Herb Liquid Concentrate from Herbal Healer -

I'm so sorry that I did not see your posts until this late date and did not provide an e-mail address for you to contact me. I hope that you found help elsewhere before this. "





[QUESTION] 02/01/2009: Jeff ( from Escondido, CA, USA writes: "spindle cell tumor: Any recommendations for topical h202 applications to large spindle cell tumor behind and under front left leg? Also, after physical exertion, leg swells some. Just heard of h202. Will dilute in drinking water when receive it but am wondering about other ways to apply. Have been using whole food supplements tested with kinesiology, Orijen food, and milk thistle, and Essiac cancer formula herbal tinctures. We feel age of dog is deterrent to surgical removal. Also, any ideas for pain/discomfort management? Many thanks."

[YEA] 05/06/2008: Robin from Rural, VA writes: "Good News! My 10 year old cat was cured of a "very" large tumor with H2O2. I found this site a few months ago. I started out trying to use iodine, but she wouldn't let me near her after the first time. So I started putting some H2O2 in her water. I didn't however think about the fact that like humans, she might need a break for a few days now and then. It arrested the growth immediately, it drained some clear liquid for a bit, and she grew back her fur. But it stayed there. Until I gave her a break. Then it started draining large amounts of thick yellow pus. After about 10 days, it is gone!"

10/08/2008: Robin from Kettering , Ohio replies: "was your cat's tumor diagnosed as cancerous? what amount of hydrogen peroxide did you put in her water for the tumor to go away?"

[NAY] 10/09/2008: Robin from Rural, VA replies: "Although this appeared to work great initially, sadly, my cat's tumor reappeared and she died."



[YEA] Glen from St. Mary\'s Newfoundland writes: "A friend of mine who's dog was riddled with cancerous tumors gave him black strap molasses each day for a month. she took him back to the Veterinarian and the cancer and tumor were gone! Her mother, who was a medicine woman in the hills of West Virginia suggested she do this as the ancient egyptians used the remedy for consumption (cancer)."

Donna (mcwana[at] from Yellow Springs, OH replies: "Years ago my mom gave me molasses when I was bead ridden with mono.I remember the doctor telling her I recovered in 1/2 the normal time! I am interested in giving it to my dog who has a non cancerous lipoma tumor.How much should an 85lb dog take without adverse effects?"

09/14/2007: ann from Edison, New Jersey replies: "i have a question for glen from st marys Newfoundland regarding the blackstrap molasses given to your friends pet for cancerous tumors. how far along were the tumors until treatment was started and can it help non cancerous tumors. i believe my dog has the cancerous tumors, since his red blood cell count is low."

09/05/2008: Jonna from Pittsburgh, PA replies: "As kids we had a chiropractor "prescribe" black strap to us. We were maybe 10 and 7 and we each took a Tablespoon 2x per day so I'm sure the 2 Tablespoon dosage per day for your puppy would work also. Good Luck!"

01/08/2009: Katie from oak view, ca, usa replies: "I'm going to start my 11 yr old dog (a weimeraner) on molassas. she's got fatty tumors all over. I've had her on goldenseal, but 3 weeks into it, I'm not seeing any improvement. will try the caster oil on the tumors too, at this point what can either of these treatments do to hurt?"



[YEA] 11/27/2006: Laure from Woodlands, TX writes: "Our dog had a tumor on one of his ears. The vet said that if it continued to grow, it should be removed surgically. I'd had good results using raw food, and had heard of many cancer cures using raw food, so I did a search and found that the raw pet food I had once heard about, from Canada, called B.A.R.F. (which stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food), was now available within driving distance from a local distributor. The dog was put on this food immediately. In three weeks, the tumor had flattened and blackened into a hideous thick crust. At 6 weeks into the raw food experiment, it was just a small flat scab. At 7 weeks, the scab fell off and revealed perfect, pink skin, with only a trace that there was ever a problem. We have kept him on a largely raw diet since then. Today, almost 2 years later, I can't tell where the tumor was. And he always smells fresher and less "doggy" when he is on raw food. He also has a lot more energy. I love how the raw diet decreased the burden of digesting cooked food, and gave him more assimilable nutrition to help his body heal."

11/10/2008: Dee from Los Angeles, CA replies: "What raw meat recipes are/did you use? My Cat has Breast cancer for the 3rd time. The 1st and 2nd time she had surgery; she can not go through another one. So I would like to do anything possible to stop the tumors, they are growing over night... anything you have for Cat Cancer. Thank you, Dee

Have you been to"


04/19/2009: SageJag from Orlando, Florida writes: "Tumor on top of cat's head:

I have been reading your website which says to put castor oil on the tumor. Does anybody have a different suggestion? Cat acts fine, but tumor growing and is oozing. She will not eat anything but wet catfood. Is there an organic wet catfood I can buy?"


04/15/2009: Marilyn from North Port, FL writes: "I have a few questions and I hope you can help. My Lab, Trev, is 13 1/2 years old. He has a non-cancerous tumor on his left leg. He has had surgery for removal but it keeps coming back. It is now bleeding constantly unless I keep it wrapped. Because of his age, the doctor does not want to perform surgery because it is so large it would mean removal of his leg. His back hips are bad and he has trouble getting up. Every time I change his wrap, it bleeds. I read your column about castor oil and bloodroot. I tried castor oil months ago and it did not help. I have never tried anything else. I don't know where to get bloodroot. If I can help him, I want to do what I can for him. According to the vet, he will have to be on antibiotics for the rest of his life and I have to change his bandage (it's a large wrap with an ace bandage around it), every two days. I am trying to avoid infection. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, Marilyn"

02/27/2009: Dominique from New Orleans, Louisiana writes: "I have successfully used Ted's Remedies and now I have a new problem. My dog just had puppies January 11, 2009. One of them was born with what I thought was a tumor but after using these remedies for 2 weeks with no results I have discovered that what I thought was a tumor is actually a perineal Hernia. There is not cure posted on this sight for hernias. I am trying a fully raw diet, castor oil, vitamin c and e. What else can I do to get rid of this hideous looking thing. It is like cottage cheese right by her vagin* and when I squeeze it I can hear it ooze. I am thinking cayenne pepper, what can help my puppy. She is very happy and playful. She does not even know that it exists."

04/21/2009: Dawn from Woodinville, WA replies: "Pretty sure perineal Hernia's require surgery."



01/30/2009: Tamara from Big Bear, Ca writes: "just a comment regarding apparent cures using turmeric or any remedy that seems to cure a tumor, cyst, or any type ailment. If a remedy works, maybe it should be continued to possibly insure that the cause has been eliminated so it does not recur. If the animal or person is responding to a remedy or diet, as soon as you stop and go back to the environment that created the ailment, most likely it comes back. My Laddie is 14 and I just noticed a lump growing on his chest. I heard of turmeric for humans a few years back in a health magazine. Glad to know it is okay for pets. Need to pick up some for him. Thank you!"

[YEA] 11/16/2007: Diane from Jacksonville, FL writes: "Feeling it was worth a try... i gave 1 capsule every other day with one tablespoon of peanut butter to my Lhasa Apso. She had a lump that the vet wanted $200. to biopsy. Within one week, the lump came to the surface and drained. It was sooo gross and smelly. But it is gone! I will continue to watch her and report any post symptoms. This is pretty incredible!"

03/21/2008: colin w. from fife, Scotland. UK replies: "i am just about to try the turmeric and the caster oil remedys i seen on your web site, as ive spent a fortune on trying to save our dog's cassies life she had a tumor the size of a pigs heart removed in January 2008, but it has returned as Cassie is about 14 in June 2008 this could be her last hope as the vet wont opperate again because he said shes too old and it will just grow back again , Cassie is a 14 year old yellow labrador, fingers crossed ,PS next to cassies tumor there is a big area of poison so hopefully this will help that go away... thanks colin from fife in Scotland."

10/30/2008: Linda from West Newfield, Maine replies: "Colin, I hope to soon learn how your Cassie is...I, too, have a yellow lab with a large, fatty tumor on her underside; almost as big as my has grown bigger over the years and doesn't seem to bother her but I'm considering trying the castor oil - what can it hurt?"

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How do you cure a cyst on a dog's neck? - Answers (2024)


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