The Tipton Daily Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)


Conde. C-303 FOR SALE Vermillion wheat. Phagan Carmichael. OS 5-6995. P-306 FISHERMAN-Hybrid Red Worms 60c per hundred.

African night crawlers 35c per dozen Tipton Greenhouse, 119 Cleveland Phone OS 5-4450 C- tf FOR SALE- Balt Crickets $1.00 per hundred $6.00 thousand. Snows Cricket Hatchery 416 N. Conde. Phone OS 5-6259 C-tf FOR SALE--McCulloch Horsepower chain saw. Used less than 100 hours.

24 and 30 inch blades. Roy Morrisett, Jackson Station P-304 FOR SALE- Auto and truck fuel and water pumps. Reasonably Priced. Elevator Auto Parts 538 N. Main St.

P-306 TRY DX. Fuel oil: Russell Phifer. Phone Tipton OS 5-6958 or Atlanta 10-118 C-tf FIRESTONE PERMANENT AntiFreeze. $1.90 gal. Russell Phifer.

Phone Atlanta 10-118 or Tipton OS 5-6958 C-tf FOR SALE- -Red full length winter coat. Medium size. OS 5-2040 P-303 FOR SALE -Butler grain auger. Our price will save money for you. Hoosier Sales Service.

Phone OS 5-4731. P-tf FOR SALE -Kool Vent Awnings. A. J. Butz.

410 S. Main. Phone OS 5-2646 FOR SA'E-Iron Porch Columns and railings, Aluma Kraft Awnings and Patio-carports. Rusco storm windows and doors. Alu-, minum siding.

Free estimates. A J. Butz. 410 S. Main.

Phone OS 5-2646, CH FREE, FREE -You have tried the rest now try the best call Reliable Heating Co, for a free inspection estimate of the cleaning and tarvicing of your heating system. Phone OS 5-2737. C-tf FOR SALE or TRADE Jeeps and Jeep Trucks Special price, heat housers. Other special bargains on, IHC Farm machinery Hoosier Sales Service FOR SALE OR TRADE 1956 Buick Special 4 Door Sedan in black with good white sidewall tires. This is a good clean car with radio, heater, turn signals and back-up lights and transparent seat covers.

Small down payment and $44.96 per month. Service Motor Co. SARGENTS' finest white enamel $1.99 qt. white only. Tice's Keen Kutter.

C-tf FOR SALE- -Evergreens. 1 mile south Atlanta east Hilltop Nursery. P-309 FOR SALE Ford tractor and breaking plows. 1 mile south Attlanta east mile. Arza Delzer P-309 FUEL OIL FUEL OIL Any amount at Service StationAlso white gas and kerosene WEBB OIL CO-215 S.

Main St. C-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE-1958 GMC tor pick up truck-goes for a Bargain Service Motor Co. P-tt HELP WANTED GIVE YOURSELF A RAISE! 1 If If you're not making $100 weekly, but would like to, I'll show you how to average that much and more. No experience needed, just good health and a car. For personal interview, write Louis Jacobson, 208 E.

North Street, Bourbon, Indiana. C-M-W-F-311 WANTED Someone to do washings. Phone OS 5-6729 C-303 WANTED -Salesman age 25 to 35, high school education, married, sales experience. Must be working now. Guarantee $87.50 per week and commission.

Insurance debit in Tipton and Elwood. Ph. 6-716 Anderson or write W. S. 270 7th St.

Anderson. p-303 FEMALE HELP WANTED Full time age 20 to 35. Apply in person. Carney's Drug Store. C-305 Ross Doggett Body Shop PAINT, GLASS and BODY REPAIR.

FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT. 325 E. ADAMS, Phone 5-6120 school Cafeteria. A business meeting will follow enrollment and the kindergarten begin regular classes September 29. Mrs.

Ralph Baker will be the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Shields and children, and Mrs.

John Rainof Rev. and Sundays Sheets and water were evening guests sons. The Church of God Missionary society met Tues a evening in the parsonage. The meeting was brought to order with group singing. Devotions by Mrs.

Floyd Southard. A circle of prayer was opened by Miss Wilma Ensey. Secretary's and treasurer's reports were read by Miss Wilma Ensey and Mrs. Harold Brown. A committee, composed of Mrs.

Floyd Southard, Miss Wilma EnBrown was appointed to nominate a secretary to be voted on at the next meeting. Plans were made to sell Christmas greetings. Present were Rev. and Mrs. Ray Ensey and daughters, Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Brown family, Mrs. Maude Ehman, Mrs. Floyd Southard and daughter. Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Walz and daughter visited friends, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sacks and family, and Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Schluer, of Friona, and Mrs. Clara Sacks, of Clovis, N. last week. Mrs. Leininger, of Tipton, is visiting niece, Mrs.

Carl Walz, and family this week. The Arcadia Church of the Nazarene Sunday school enjoyed a picnic at Forest park Sunday after morning services. Present were Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Sheets and sons, Mr.

and Mrs. John Rainwater, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shields and family, Kay and Sue Addington, Frankie Bill and Ronnie Ackles. Hobbs Mrs.

Mark Weismiller Oscar Hoover and Parke Hoover, of near. Hobbs, attended the annual National Shetland Pony sale at Springfield; Ill. Oscar purchased three registered mares. He now has a herd of 55. Mrs.

Tom Cochran, of near Tipton, entertained at a birthday dinner recently for Mrs. Ralph Webb, of Hobbs, and Mrs. Willie Hood, of Point Isabel. Other guests were Messers and Mesdames Ralph Webb, of Hobbs; Dee Symons, Bill Symons and children, Larry Seagraves and daughter, of near Greetown; Jack Fuller and family, of Hobbs; Tom Cochran, Jr. and son.

Afternoon guests were Tom Cochran, Sr. and daughter, west of Tipton. Mrs. Nora Morris, of Hobbs, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs.

Waldo Darrow and daughter, of New Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. John Darrow have returned to their home near Elwood after taking an aunt, Mrs. Fannie Quear, 84, to her home in Denver, Colo.

Mrs. Quear had been in the Darrow home for 14 weeks with a broken hip. She is able to get around with a walker. Mrs. Nora Morris, of Hobbs, Mr.

and Mrs. Waldo Darrow and daughter, of New Lancaster, accompanied Mrs. Martha Darrow to Bloomington where Martha entered Indiana university for her freshmen year. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Hobbs, of Hobbs, were Mr. and Mrs. Don Hobbs and sons, of Tipton.

Evening guests were Mr. Public As we are quitting the dairy the following located 6 miles south mile east of Oakford on No. 26 then or 1 mile north of Sharpsville on and Mrs. John Hobbs and daughters, of Anderson. Charles McCain and family, of Sheridan, were also guests in the home.

Miss. Sara Ann Hoover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoover, of near Hobbs, left Wednesday to enter Purdue university, Lafayette, for her senior year. Mrs.

Ruth Planalp, of Tipton, was a guest of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fleming and son, of Kokomo. Mr. and Mrs.

Dallas Warne returned Wednesday to their home south of Hobbs, after spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Georgia Petty and family, of Mount Carroll, Ill. Windfall Mrs. Ted Armstrong, of Payne, Ohio, has returned home after visiting relatives and friends in Windfall for the past few days. Gerald McClish, of Chicago, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs.

Alpha McClish and family. Mrs. Clarence Newton, of Dexter, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. June Mitchell and, daughter, Carol Ann, northwest of Windfall.

Mrs. Oscar Tennell, of near Marion, and Mrs. Beryl Boring, of Logansport, were recent guests of Mrs. Carrie Houston and Mrs. Laura Shaw.

Glenn Riffe has returned home from Tipton county hospital, where he has been a patient for the past six weeks, for treatment of a heart condition. Mrs. Virgil Pickering is spending a few days with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Cline, of Birmingham, N.

Y. Mrs. Hubert Bunch has returned home from Tipton county hospital following observation and treatment the past few days." Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hicks and family, of Dayton, Ohio, and Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Hensley and family, of Muncie, were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorel Tolle, southeast of Windfall. Mrs.

Mary Hendricks and Mrs. Elmer Richards' attended funeral services for a relative, Mrs. Arthur Carpenter, at the Brethren church in Kokomo Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs.

David Baldwin, of Ann Arbor, were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Baldwin. Mrs. Larry Keith and daughter, have returned home from Tipton.

county hospital. Don Teter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Teter, is recovering at his home following a major operation at St. Joseph's hospital' in Kokomo a few days ago.

Rev. and Mrs. Jack King and family attended the wedding of his cousin, Miss Janice Aldrin and Henry Sumaker at the Methodist church in Indiana Harbor Sunday afternoon. PROTEST RED FESTIVAL VIENA (UPI) The Board of the Austrian Roman Catholic Youth Associations announced a protest today against the scheduled holding of a Communist "world youth festival" in Vienna in 1959. WANT ADS PAY Auction business, we will sell at public auction and 2 miles east of Kokomo, or 1 2 miles south on Sharpsville road, blacktop road, on: WEDNESDAY, SEPT.

24, 1958 Sale to begin at 11:00 A.M. 23 HEAD DAIRY CATTLE- 1 Holstein cow 7 yrs. old giving 6 gal. per day; 2 Holstein cows 6 yrs. old giving 5 gal.

per day; 1-6 yr. old Holstein giving 8 gal. per day; 1 Holstein 2nd calf heifer giving 5 1-2nd calf heifer fresh in August; 5 Holsteins coming with 2nd calf to be fresh this fall; 2 Guernsey first calf heifers, one with heifer calf 8 weeks old; 1 Jersey and Brown Swiss first calf heifer; 5 Holstein bred heifers 2 to start freshening Nov. 29; 1 Guernsey bred heifer; 1 Holstein heifer 8 months old, 1 Holstein heifer 4 months old; some of these cows will freshen soon after sale date, records on each will be given day of sale. These cattle were started from Wisconsin heifers and raised on this farm.

All are calfhood vaccinated with exception of the Jersey Brown Swiss cow and small calf. Bangs tested. Cattle may be inspected at any time prior to day of sale. HAY AND STRAW-1400 bales 1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa hay; 1350 bales little red clover hay; 500 bales alfalfa and clover hay; all put up without rain; 300 bales more or less old hay; 950 bales more or less wheat straw. MILK EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS 6 can side door milk cooler (3 yrs.

old); 30 gal. automatic dairy water heater; DeLaval 2 unit magnetic milkers complete; twin wash tanks; good 2 row Blackhawk corn planter; large galvanized water tank; hog ringing crate; oil tank heater; power corn sheller; 1 horse wheat drill with corn turner; 1 row cultivator; 1 set harness; 1 row tomato setter; yetter cultivator shovels for 4 row cultivator; Ottawa power drag saw; cream seperator; 500 chick electric brooder; 150 grain sacks; used metal roof; 75 ft. endless belt; and other articles; some junk. TERMS: CASH Not responsible in case of accidents Lunch will be served by Windfall Brethern Ladies Aid LEROY JOHNSON AND JESSE HENRY, OWNERS Roy L. Crume, Auctioneer Kokomo, Ind.

Phone GI 2-6619 East Union Mrs. George Overdorf Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rode are parents of a girl, born September 13 at Tipton county hospital. Mrs.

John Samuels entered Tipton county hospital Sunday for observation and treatment. Mrs. Robert N. Smith is reported to be ill at her home. Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Delph and family entertained at a wiener roast Saturday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Junior Delph and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Ted Sturdevant and family, Mrs. Ruth Sturdevant, Miss Melissa Stafford, Jim, Brag and Bob Bilby, of Sheridan. Mrs. Ralph Spurgeon, of Smith Valley, spent a few days last week with Mr.

and Mrs. Ves Garst. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rykes, of Pendleton, and Mrs.

Bessie Wise, of Frankton, were Sunday dinner of Ernest Wright. Afternoon guests were Miss Lela of Kokomo; Miss Betty Featherstone, Wuanitta, Margaret, Dennie, Kieth and Gerald Garst. Miss Margaret Garst spent Saturday afternoon with Cindy Langolf. Freddie Miller was a Tuesday evening supper guest of Mr. and Mrs.

James Garst and family. Miss Lela Biddle, of READ THE CLASSIFIED RUPTURE Expert Coming to Elwood Again R. K. Shallenberger Nationally known expert will personally demonstrate his method without charge at the Bonham Hotel, Elwood, Thursday, Sept. 25th from 3 p.m.

to 6 p.m. Mr. Shallenberger says the Shallenberger method contracts the openings in remarkably short time on the average case, regardless of the size or location of the rupture and no matter how much you lift or strain, and puts you back to work the same day as efficient as before you were ruptured. Large and difficult ruptures following operations especially solicited. Do not overlook this opportunity if you want gratifying results.

Mailing address: Angola, Indiana. Tipton (Ind.) Tribune 5 Monday, Sept. 22, Obituaries United Press International. OSBORNE 5-2115 CLASSIFIED RATES Minimum 75c Insertion 3c per word Insertions 5c per word 3 Insertion 6c per word Insertions 8c per word 5 Insertions 9c per word 6 Insertions 10c per word In Memoriam 10c per line Card of Thanks $1.00 For Consecutive Insertions These charges at a reduced cash rate and apply the ad is paid within 10 days after the first insertion. A special service charge of 25c will be addad after the 10.

day period. Call OSberne 5-2115 before 10:30 a.m. for insertion same day, except Saturday, 9 a.m. deadline. Cancellation until 10:00 a.m.

daily. dates quoted are local) FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR KEA. ESTATE OR FARM Consult JOE ROSS or 6. BARRUM Phone OS 5- 6492 C-tt FOR SALE OR TRADE--Nice 2 home in good neighborhood, new 2 car garage. Just the place for small family.

Will sell or trade for larger home preferably three bedrooms. Immediate Phone OS 5-4194 or US 5-2211 C-tf FARMS FOR SALE-210 acres, 200 tillable, Ranch type home, 3 car garage, 6 room modern tennant house, large feeding barns, cement feed floors, excellent fencing, State Road 75, will sell on contract; 300 acres, two sets buildings, excellent fence, price $300 per acre; 120 acres; 40 acres; 100 acres; 150 acres; 88 acres. Call us tor appointment. Harvey Anderson, Advance, Indiana, Ph. Eastgate 9-5851.

George Jackson Jamestown, Phone OR 6-7648. P-304 FOR SALE FOR SALE 1957 Pontiac. star R. W. S.

W. Low mileage--like new. 225 Mill st, Tipton C-307 FOR SALE--Girls dresses up to size 6x. Phone OS 5-2443 after 4. C-305 cess POOLS, SEPTIC TANKS TOILET VAUL-TS Vacuum cleaned.

Sewer, lines, basem*nt drains cleaned with electric cutting knives PAVID wwwer Creaners Phone Elwood FE 2-2684 REGULAR BLOCK SALT 90c Mineral Sat Block $1.40. Bag Salt 100 lbs bag $1.70. Mineral Salt 100 lbs bag $2.46. Marin's Dog Feed 10 lbs $1.10. Hoosier Sales Service.

P-tf FOR SALE- Suffolk rams. Jack Smith, 1 mile south of Tetersburg P-304 FOR SALE- -Butler Hog houses, grain and ctorage bins. Hoosier sales Service. P-11 NEW MACHINERY, 350 Tractor, 101 Combine, 55 A. W.

P. T. 0. baler, No. 5 Side hake, No.

200 Spreader. Must move see us before you buy. Hoosier Sales and Service p-tf USED MACHINERY, M. Tractor, H. Tractor, Massey Harris Combine wit motor.

Hoosier Sales Service. p-tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1955 Buick Special 2 Door Hardtop. Car completely reconditioned. All brand new tires, radio and heater, turn signals, back-up lights and seat covers.

Small down payment and $39.96 per mo. Service Motor Co. P-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE 1956 Buick Roadmaster 4. Door. This is strictly a road-mileage car in very fine condition.

Fully equipped including full power. Can finance this car for $50.95 per month. Service Motor Co. P-tf FREE-FREE-FREE Beautiful Golden Anniversary Dinnerware Luncheon set. Ivory white 22k gold trimmed.

Service for four WEBB OIL CO, 215 S. MAIN ST. C-310 OUR YEARLY SPECIAL Outside house paint, $2.89 gallon. Tices. C-tf MARTIN'S HOG, Cattle and Poultry feeds.

Hoosier Sales Service. C-tf FOR SALE English Saddle. Excellent condition. Price $35. Mrs.

Cyril Mattingly. Phone OS 5- 4187 C-305 WANTED WANTED TO BUY Heavy Scrap iron. Heavy scrap iron prices are higher. Take advantage- Bring yours in. Levi's, north end Conde st.

Closed Saturday 12:00 noon. D-308 WANTED -House cleaning. Phone YU 4-4023 Arcadia P-307 FREE-FREE-FREE Beautiful Golden Anniversary Dinnerware Luncheon set. Ivory white 22k gold service for four WEBB OIL CO, 215 S. MAIN ST.

C-310 DO YOU have an alcholic problem? If so write Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 212, Tipton C-tf WANTED Upholstering. Carl Miller, 731 North Independence. Phone OS 5-4616. C-tf WRECKER SERVICE Call OS 5-4731. DITCH digging by Jeep and Backhoe for water, gas, septic, footings, tanks, etc. Phone Os 5- 4050. C-tf WANTED- -Television and radio repairing, service calls. Parts and service guaranteed. Ralph R.

Beck. Phone OS 5-6782. c-tf VAULTS AND SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Phone 7 on 138 Atlanta. Bill Crawford.

P-310 FOR RENT FOR RENT 3 room furnished utilities furnished. 502 N. Conde P-308 FOR RENT -New 2 bedroom double couple and child. 920 S. Pearl Cicero C-tf FOR double on north St.

Modern. Also 4 room apartment over Falveys Clothing Store E. A. Foster C-303 FOR RENT-3 room downstairs apartment. Gas heat.

Well located. Phone OS 5-4580 P-303 FOR RENT-4 room modern a- partment gas heat, N. Main OS 5-4576 C-tf FREE-FREE-FREE Beautiful Golden Anniversary Dinnerware Luncheon set. Ivory white 22k goid trimmed. Service for four WEBB OIL CO, 215 S.

MAIN ST. C-310 FOR RENT -Furnished. apartment for two people. Utilities furnished. $60 per Phone OS 5-2'767 P-tf FOR RENT Modern three bedroors house--gas heat.

127. West Adams St. $75.00 per month. C. L.

O'Banion OS 5-4590 P-tf FOR RENT--modern 3 room apartment and batn, gas heat. Corner Jefferson East St. Call 5-4549 or write Box Tribune C. L. 0'Banion P-tf FOR RENT- Small 3 room house with bath, gas heat.

Phone OS 5- 4672 C-304 FOR RENT -Modern four room a- partment. Adults. Green street. C-tf FOR RENT-1st floor apartment. 3 rooms and bath, utilities furnished.

Call after 5. OS. 5-6234 C-tf FOR RENT -Extra nice upstairs all modern apartment. Heat, gas and water furnished. Call after 4, Phone OS 5-6284 P-303 FOR RENT-Upstairs furnished a- partment gas heat.

Call OS 5- 7243 C-tf MISCELLANEOUS FREE Beautiful Golden Anniversary Dinnerware Luncheon set. Ivory white 22k gold trimmed. Service for four WEBB OIL CO, 215 S. MAIN ST. C-310 BUY U.S.

Savings Bonds ARCADIA Mrs. Clifford Shields Edger Groves and Mr. and Mrs. A. R.

Sheridan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lou Groves and daughter, Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Almond.

Dr. and Mrs. Lee Wheery, of Indianapolis, visited Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Summer Sunday.

In the afternoon they and Mrs. Hazel Sumner visited Mrs. Alta Devaney near East Union. and Mrs. Lee Sumner and family, of Leesburg, Miss.

are visiting his mother, Mrs. Grover Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoggard and family moved to the Elsworth Grimm farm Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Carlile Jr. and family of Forest; Mr. and Mrs.

William Mooney and family, of Kokomo; Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and family, of Russiaville; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sands and family, of Burlington, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Carlile 'and family. Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Carlile and son, of Kokomo, were afternoon guests.

Mrs. John Coast and her brother, Logan Griggs, had as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Leer, of Cicero, Mr. and Mrs.

Monte Harvey, of Tipton; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crull, of Summit-! ville; Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Coats and family, of Tipton; and Bill Leer, of Cicero.

Sunday dinner guests of Rev. Mrs. Chester Crowell and Mr. and Mrs. Dean B.

Confer were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bess and family, of Atlanta; Mr. and. Mrs.

Robert Crowell and family, Rev. Mrs. John Confer and son, and Sam Confer, of Westfield. Rev. and Mrs.

Chester Crowell attended a Revival at Hazelwood Mission in Anderson Sunday evening. Rev. Crowell is the evangelist. Mr. and Mrs.

D. D. Thomas were weekend guests of his brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thomas in Burlington.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hammersley were Saturday evening guests of Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Sheets and sons, Jerry and Larry.

Edward De Vol, of Sheridan, fell from a truck while unloading tomatoes at the Arcadia Packing Company -Saturday morning and fractured this arm. He underwent surgery at Riverview hospital Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shew, of Noblesville, were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Shew. Mrs. Elmer Williams visited Mrs. Vernie Howe at Kokomo Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sylvester, of Anderson visited Mr. and Mrs. James Bur well Sunday.

Mrs. Burwell visited her mother, Mrs. Effie Merrick, at Anderson Friday. The Arcadia kindergarten enrollment will be September 26 at 9 at Jackson Central junior high WE ALSO MAKE AUTO REPAIRS BODY WORK NOT ONLY ON DODGE AND PLYMOUTH CARS BUT ALL MAKES. WORK GUARANTEED SELECT USED CARS ED CRAIL Serv.

Mgr. HEAD-KNOTTS INC. 125 West Jefferson St. Tipton Phone OS 5-4683 AUCTION HOME BUSINESS Located 6 miles Southeast of Crawfordsville, at Whitesville. WEDNESDAY, Sept.

24th, 1:30 P.M. Modern home, large business building, operating retail grocery business. acres of ground. Good business center. Will sell real-estate and fixtures for one sum, invoice.

stock. Immediate possession. PERRY ZOLLER WIFE, Owners Ralph Drake Kenneth Wyant, Auctioneers. Ph. Kempton WI 7-2272 CLEVELAND, Ohio (UPI)John W.

Love, 66, business columnist of the Cleveland Press, died Sunday night when his car. went out of control and smashed into a tree. Love had been at his job since 1931. LINZ, Austria (UPI) -Princess Olga of Braunschweig Lueneburg, 75, died of a heart attack. NEW YORK (UPI)- Frederick T.

Bonham, 76, former personnel director of the New York Times, died Sunday of a stroke in Doctors Hospital. HOLLYWOOD (UPF) 'Actor Don Gardner, 26, dialogue on the television series "Perry died Sunday of suffered in an auto accident Saturday night near Trancas Beach. a and Miss Betty Feather were Sunday dinner guests stone and Mrs. James Garst and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Overdorf and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Overdorf and family. READ THE CLASSIFIED Hours! FOR THE ASKING Just Published "GOLD" How It Affects Your Very Existence Every, Adult Should Read It also "FACTS and Market Bulletins AND LATEST INFORMATION on Specula ive Issues MADSEN LAKE KINGSTON ROCKROFT EXPLORATIONS Name Address City E.

A. MANNING COMPANY, 185 BAY STREET TORONTO, CANADA EMpire 8-2995 Members: Assn. of Ontario I FIX-UP FOR FALL and SAVE MONEY FREE- paint roller and tray with one gallon or more of easy. to-use Pittsburgh Rubberized wall paint. Rubberized WALLHIDE, gallon $6.45 Roller and Tray, Reg.

Valve $1.50 Bath $7.95 SPECIAL PRICE $6.45 you SAVE $150 OFF! $1.00 OFF 2-inch, Pure-Bristle with this coupon Enamel Brush -on the purRegular Price 984 chase of each gallon Pittsburgh of Forbide NOW ONLY Ens on of 1 Enamel. -with purchase quart of all-purpose Regular price $0.00 Waterspar Pittsburgh Enamel for NOW ONLY $6.98 walls, trimwork, fur- with this coupon niture and toys. salt Quick-drying, ROSE CORAL Quart long-lasting floor $2.68 A.B. COCHRAN BUILDING and SON, inc. HEADQUARTERS TIPTON ATLANTA ARCADIA 780.0S TEl.84 1760 YU4-2555 PITTSBURGH PAINTS keep that JUST PAINTED look longer This Otter Expires October 15th.

The Tipton Daily Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.